6 Foods That Could Improve a Man’s Sexual Health

November 5, 2024

Mature woman kissing her husband in and horizontal shot.

By: Joceline Fuchs, M.D.

It’s basic science: What we eat determines our whole-body health, including our sexual parts. Research confirms that certain nutrients in foods and drinks can improve a man’s desire, ability, and performance in the bedroom.

Are you sure you’re getting enough of them?

The Way to a Man’s Sexual Appetite is Through His Heart

Mankind has explored food’s role in sexual pleasure and reproduction for centuries. In the Middle Ages, men ate sparrow brains as aphrodisiacs.

These days, scientists recommend more familiar, heart-healthy foods for sexual happiness. In particular, vitamin B, flavonoids (antioxidants and anti-inflammatories), zinc, and healthy fats promote heart health, which in turn benefit erectile function.

Erectile function and rigidity depend on blood flow through penile arteries – the stronger your heart, the better the blood flow erectile tissues, and the stronger the erection you can develop. Furthermore, a strong, beating heart contributes to sustained stamina.1

6 Foods to Love for the Sake of Love

If you add more servings of the following foods to your diet, you might notice an enhanced libido and erectile health.

  1. “Bearing” fruit. An extra apple a day can help keep ED away. Studies link several daily servings of apples, cherries, berries, citrus fruits, grapes, and/or watermelon with a 14% reduction in erectile dysfunction (ED)1,2.Sexual sustenance: Fruits tend to be high in flavonoids and amino acids that improve circulation. If you are diabetic, ask your physician about fruit consumption.
  2. Your veggie garden. Vegetables including broccoli, spinach, asparagus, and beets pack a spectrum of nutrients that strengthen your heart so it can pump blood smoothly. Sexual sustenance: High concentrations of vitamin C, magnesium, and fiber in vegetables boost circulation and metabolism.3,4,5
  3. Seafood on the half shell. Mankind has sought to rekindle romance by eating oysters for centuries. What’s under the shell? Zinc. Sexual sustenance: Zinc is a mineral that metabolizes cells, improves stamina, and regulates the male hormone testosterone. It also might improve sperm production and movement.6
  4. Fats to go nuts over. Eating nuts can improve sexual function and sperm quality due to their healthy fat content. Sexual sustenance: Nuts are rich in heart-strengthening omega-3 fatty acids. Almonds, hazelnuts, and walnuts are good choices, while pine nuts contain zinc.6 Avocado and fatty fish (mackerel, sardines, and salmon) also are high in good fats.
  5. Chocolate that raises the bar. There’s a reason chocolate and romance go together: cocoa carries heart-healthy compounds. Sexual sustenance: Dark chocolate (at least 70%) delivers circulation-enhancing flavonoids and stimulates the pleasure hormone dopamine.7
  6. 3-Alarm peppers. Men who eat hot peppers likely have better-than-average testosterone levels, according to a study published in Physiology & Behavior. Sexual sustenance: Men can thank the flavonoids in hot peppers for sex-improving qualities, as well as capsaicin, a chemical that releases mood-lifting endorphins.1

Eat with Pleasure, But Also In Moderation

Ben Franklin also loved wine, which can work both ways in terms of sexual performance. Too much alcohol can prevent you from getting an erection, so limit consumption.8

Also note that stress can affect sexual desire, as might physical conditions such as hypertension, coronary artery disease, diabetes, kidney disease or prostate cancer. If you suspect these issues are interfering with your libido, food might not be enough to help. It might be time to consult a physician for insights about treatment options.

You can visit the “Men’s Sexual Health” page on our website to learn more about conditions and treatment offerings, and read our blog about occasional erectile dysfunction.

1: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322779#circulation-and-stamina
2:  https://www.renalandurologynews.com/mens-health-update/erectile-dysfunction/flavonoid-rich-foods-may-lower-erectile-dysfunction-risk/
3:  https://www.mensjournal.com/food-drink/52-foods-boost-penis-health-supercharge-libido-and-increase-pleasure#gid=ci02dd4d71500026ce&pid=broccoli
4: https://www.webmd.com/sex-relationships/ss/slideshow-best-foods-before-sex
5: https://www.healthline.com/health/7-foods-enhance-your-sex-life
6: Sci Rep.2016 Mar 2;6:22386. doi: 10.1038/srep22386 Zinc levels in seminal plasma and their correlation with male infertility: A systematic review and meta-analysis 
7: Sexual Medicine Reviews, Volume 3, Issue 4, October 2015, Pages 279–288
8: https://www.healthline.com/health/alcohol-and-erectile-dysfunction

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