Keeping You Informed
Where Did My Sex Drive Go? Wellness Tips for Women
One of the surprises of living a long life is that with each year, our bodies are prone to do something a little unexpected. Among women, those “somethings” involve an activity their great ancestors seldom experienced: late-in-life sex. Back in [...]
How BPH Can Affect Men’s Health (and what you can do about it)
By: William Merriam, MD What’s the leading reason men visit a urologist? Blame it on the prostate and aging. A man’s prostate never stops growing. By age 60, half of all men experience the effects of an enlarged prostate, also [...]
Sugar and Kidney Stones. An Unhealthy Relationship.
By: Jeffrey Walker, M.D. Consuming high amounts of sugar in your diet can significantly increase your risk of developing kidney stones. A study published in August 2023 followed 28,000 adults (half men, half women) over 11 years. The study looked [...]
6 Ways to Control Your Overactive Bladder
Living with overactive bladder is, for many, like losing control. How could you have control, when you can’t even “hold it in”? Also known as OAB or urge incontinence, overactive bladder is characterized by a need to pee that is [...]
Life After Prostate Cancer: What You Can Expect
Nearly one in eight men is diagnosed with prostate cancer. If you are among them, this is what you can expect: a few changes in your body, some adjustments to your lifestyle, and the most effective recovery options in history. [...]
Prostate Cancer Statistics. The Risk is High for Black Men
By: Laurence Belkoff DO, FACOS All Americans deserve equal opportunities to pursue their best lives, and that includes being cancer-free. For many Black men, we still have ground to cover. Black men are 76% more likely to be diagnosed with [...]
When Urinary Issues Affect Sexual Pleasure: A Women’s Guide to Care
It might be obvious why urinary dysfunction can get in the way of activities women take for granted, from playing tennis to seeing a long movie. But when such conditions interfere with sexual pleasure, the correlation might not be so [...]
6 Travel Tips if You’re Experiencing OAB
As many as 40% of women and 30% of men experience overactive bladder (OAB), the sudden urge to urinate that is difficult to control. Take this symptom quiz to see if this includes you. During travel, when bathrooms may be [...]
5 Pill-Free Options for Erectile Dysfunction
Do you wish intimacy didn’t require a pill? It’s possible. Erectile dysfunction is the most common sexual problem reported by men. It’s due to a lack of blood flow to the penis. Take the ED symptom quiz. If a pill-free [...]
Overactive Bladder? You Don’t Have to Live with It.
By: Tia Schellato, D.O., FACOS What’s it like to experience the symptoms of overactive bladder? If having to urinate while in the movie theater causes more stress than the drama on the screen, you likely know. And that theater audience [...]
Don’t Let Pelvic Organ Prolapse Affect Your Sexual Health
By Darlene Gaynor D.O. Pelvic organ prolapse, also called pelvic floor weakness, is a condition that affects many women who have had children, or a hysterectomy. It occurs when the muscles and ligaments in the pelvis, (which hold the bladder, [...]
What You Should Know About Kidney Stones: 6 Signs
By: Melanie I. Amster, M.D. Why do kidney stones hurt so much? Try forcing a square peg through a round hole, and you’ll get the picture. We typically associate kidney stones with severe pain. However, a number of less alarming [...]