Patient Stories2024-02-19T08:24:36-05:00


Keeping You Informed

Pain-Free and Active Following Delicate Surgery of Kidneys and Ureter

2025-03-27T11:15:12-04:00February 19, 2024|

Amazed. Grateful. Fortunate. All words that Mary uses to describe her treatment for kidney and ureter cancer. “It’s been quite a journey,” she adds. It was years ago that Mary had a tumor removed from her left kidney. “They got [...]

Clinical Trial Aims to Ensure His Bladder Cancer Doesn’t Return

2024-02-18T09:27:55-05:00February 18, 2024|

Late January was a time for celebration for Don Knabb. He had just completed the Keytruda Clinical Trial for his bladder cancer and he was feeling great. The celebration included writing thank you letters to his doctors, nurses, and other [...]

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